Writing another book!

A book that talks directly to the question we often ask or are asked- "tell me what good looks like".

A book that challenges the narrow channel we build between our conversations that aim to remove uncertainty and create a future that looks amazing and the best it can be.

A book that challenges us to think about a different question - "describe what good enough would feel like".

A question that is 100% human and requiring no artificial help though has a serious connection to how we use technology to remove these uncertainties and find a better way of solving problems.

A life time journey that I use in my working life but also from my personal experiences to discover, listen, observe and debate.

A fascination in fact that brings me up against designers, technologists, entrepreneurs and psychologists.

A book that is in draft

A fresh challenge for me to manage my time and concentration better, but a book that for me at least, only has to be GOOD ENOUGH.

Let's see.
